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A boutique clinic providing compassionate and evidence-based family care


Dr. Emma Lee, ND

Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Emma Lee has a practice that focuses on treating women and their families. She strives to provide best-evidenced and personalized care in the treatment of acute and chronic conditions. She particularly enjoys assisting women through their various life stages, from menstrual cycle concerns, during pregnancy and post-partum, and through the transition of menopause. Dr. Lee also devotes a large portion of her clinical time to addressing digestive disturbances, immune-related issues, skin conditions, and stress. 

Dr. Lee has a deep passion for the doctor as teacher approach to medicine and prioritizes patient empowerment and collaboration in the decision making process. She firmly believes in creating a safe space for honest dialogue. Her approach to care centers around informed choice, where time is taken to guide you through each the reason behind each recommendation, alongside expected benefits and possible side effects as well as any potential alternatives. Her treatment plans may include diet and lifestyle recommendations, nutritional supplementation, herbal remedies, acupuncture, injection therapies, and pharmaceutical drugs. Dr. Lee is a strong advocate for the integration of conventional and naturopathic medicine, helping patients navigate how to combine the two to optimize results.


Dr. Lee graduated from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine with the clinical excellence award. She is also a medical educator for Atrium Innovations Inc., a leading North American manufacturer of professional grade supplements. She regularly provides talks on topics such as the gut-brain connection, hormonal health, immune support, and stress management to a wide audience that includes pharmacists, nutritionists, health food store staff, and the general public.


Outside of clinical practice, Dr. Lee is a wife and a mother to a young daughter. She is thoroughly enjoying the sense of play that permeates everything in the early parenthood years, and has found herself eager to try new things as well. In addition to being a novice potter, she is rediscovering the joys of cycling and cooking.


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